Recommended by Liminal with Jennifer Steil
I recently listened to an interview with Elif Shafak, and was immediately ensorcelled. Not only do I want to read everything she has written, I long to be her friend. She is fiery and feminist and transcultural and everything I love.
A one-woman world of books, Zibby has something to offer writers and readers at any stage of their career. I admire her energy, her passion for writers, and her business savvy.
Virginia Macgregor is one of the kindest and most generous writers I know, as well as one of the most thoughtful and disciplined (despite wrangling three kids! I don't know how she does it). Her books for adults and young people have unashamed heart at their center; you cannot help but feel improved by reading her.
Aimee Liu is not only a brilliant writer, but a thoughtful mentor to her fellow authors. She has oceans of wise advice and insightful writings on her family history.
Suleika offers cancer-fighters and writers of all kinds hope and advice for a creative life—maybe even a future. I am always grateful for her thoughtful and wide-ranging essays and the variety of writing prompts she offers. If I didn't witness her working in spite of her illness, would I even know I could do it myself? She makes us all better.
I fell in love with Patti Smith when my college roommate introduced me to Horses in 1986. Having just finished reading her magical memoir Just Kids, about her rise to fame and her relationship with Robert Mapplethorpe, I love her even more. She often posts videos that show her sitting around a hotel room drinking coffee, her silver braids a mess, no makeup, no pretense, and I LOVE her.