I think so often of the very brief time we spent together at AWP in Portland and how generous and warm and funny you were as we chatted up various folks from the mentor booth. A tremendous pleasure to bask in your radiance. Sending love.

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Sending you love and so much...admiration. You are working hard...mentoring Columbia students?

It is amazing how you step up. Like coming to our retreat.

This is me, saying you set the high bar. Whatever you are facing, you are still rocking it.


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Mentoring these two brilliant students is the deepest of pleasures - I feel privileged to know them! :-) So I am not making any personal sacrifice to work with them. It helps me to feel of some small use. Though I wonder if it is selfish of me to make commitments I don't know if I can keep... love you! xoxo

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Jennifer you are the most amazing person. Anyone who has gotten to know you in any context is very very lucky. I’m so glad you got to go for your walk!

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Thank you, Jennifer. I am remembering you, Tim and Theo and although I only ever met you online as part of the Novelists in London group and therefore don't really have any stories to share with Theo - if she ever needed someone relatively near to Edinburgh - I am in the Scottish Borders - I would be more than happy for her to contact me. Much love, Margaret Skea

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