cant wait to see you

love your words and to hear ypur hopes snd dreams. I feel they will all happen !!! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œthe

fossil- ed mountain out back is not easy trip. The fossils quite distracting when i was clawing my way up it 7 years ago.


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I'm so happy to hear that you're cleared for travel and that your scans are good. Vinny's having his first one at the end of the month and I'm trying not to project ahead, but it's hard not to - at least for me. If it's at all possible to meet up when you're here, I would love to do that. Once the retreat is over - I can come anywhere!

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And a Patti Smith synchronicity: just minutes before I read your post I was watching this old bit from the BBC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC8ijnYw-DM

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Safe travels, Jennifer!

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