I believe you will be here again and shins and again.

Love you!

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Sending so much love. Is there something I can take off your to-do list so you have more time to write and to take care of you and yours? 😘

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Jennifer, I can still see you presenting your book to us at Village Books in Bellingham. It is a wonderful thing to know you, and your courage and poise in this situation are far beyond what I could muster under similar circumstances. I'm wishing you and your beautiful family the grace to push through this next bit while the taxol does its job.

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Dear Jennifer, today I have on my Ghost Ranch T-shirt which is where I met you during an AROHO retreat. My heart breaks for you & your family. I pray the Taxol is effective. Sending you healing energy & strength . ❤️

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dear J Thinking about you all the time. Hoping the new old drug does a great job and slowing the cancer. 💙💜❤️

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Sending courage and light and support.

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Love from afar to you and your family, Jennifer, and my most positive thoughts for this next round of treatment. <3

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Harriet and I are sending you all of our thoughts, strength and love ♥️♥️

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Sending healing energy for the taxol to do its work. Your determination to live life fully is an inspiration to everyone who meets you. Sending so much love.

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Oh, dear Jennifer. All my love. Strength. Hope.

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Arms around you from afar (NM). I can only imagine how hard this is but you are strong and courageous and can handle whatever comes even if you think you can't. Love and prayers.

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Praying for you and your family that the Taxol works. Sending love and light to your courage. ❤️

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Dear extraordinary Jennifer,

I read your words with a heart full of admiration for you (and Tim and Theo). I will pray that the Taxol sweeps up all the bits of sand and brings you swift relief.

Sending love love love.

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I love you and am sending you all the positive energy I can. Vinny's been in the hospital since last Tuesday with intermittent high fevers of unknown origin and after what feels like an endless amount of tests, is finally being released today. So I'm hoping his good news becomes your good news. Cancer is a horrible horrible thing that you don't deserve. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Thinking of you, Jennifer.

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Though the news this harrowing update bears is unwelcome, I am very moved (as ever) by your clarity and steel. Sending every good wish from the Midwest for fast and effective chemo, and the promise of more days with your sweet family. I will be thinking of you and the power of your writing in the days to come.

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